Roman's Day
Sycamore Class had a very busy, jammed packed Romans Day!
The children were map detectives, finding Roman place names and identifying features such as forts, villas, settlements and temples on a Roman Britain map of East Anglia. They also used their mathematical skills to use coordinates to find Roman sites and ruins across the UK.
They learnt about Roman numerals by playing games and making paper plate clocks.
Then it was time to take our shields outside to see how the Roman army attacked and defended using formations. We tried out the ‘Orb’, ‘Tortoise’, Wedge’ and ‘Repel Cavalry’.
A game of ‘Knucklebones’ proved to be a fun challenge – some children were able to flip 4 counters from the back of their hand into the palm of their hand. Lots of persevering was needed!
In the afternoon, the children designed and made their own mosaics (with geometric patterns) using coloured salt dough tiles, being careful to grout between each tile to secure them in place.
Finally, the children answered a true and false quiz about food in Roman times, the children were surprised by some of the true answers, e.g. some of the delicacies including dormice and snails. Groups of three children, then designed a Roman menu fit for an emperor.
Well done, Sycamore Class!