Equality Objectives
Schools are required to publish information which is updated annually showing how they comply with the Equality Duty and to set at least one equality objective every 4 years. The need to advance equality of opportunity is defined in the Equality Act 2010 as having due regard to the need to:
- Remove or minimise disadvantages.
- Take steps to meet different needs
- Encourage participation when it is disproportionately low.
This extends to the following protected characteristics:
- Race
- Disability
- Sex
- Age (as an employer, not regarding pupils)
- Religion/Belief
- Sexual Orientation
- Pregnancy and Maternity
- Gender Reassignment
In our school we have used the Suffolk Equalities and Analysis Workbook for Primary Schools to help us identify any areas of our practice that may need improvement. The Workbook is not available on this website because our school population is so small, that individuals would be easily identified, even though the data is anonymous. However, a copy is kept in school for Ofsted Inspection.
Our pupil roll on the October 2023 census is as follows;
46 %
White British
Mixed white & black Caribbean
Pupils with Special Educational Needs
Pupils receiving SEND support
Pupils with Statement of SEN
Pupils with English as additional language
Pupil Premium
Pupils receiving Pupil Premium Grant
Our objectives from 2023-2026 are to:
- Prepare pupils for life in a diverse society
- Raise awareness of the whole school community to the schools equality objectives
- Use targeted intervention and support to narrow gaps in achievement
- Promote pupils' understanding that people of all ages are to be respected and valued for the contribution they make to the school community
- Follow the recruitment process as written in our recruitment policy and enable all staff to have access to relevant development and training.
A copy of our Equality Objectives Plan is kept in school.
Compliance with Equality Duty
We comply with the Public Sector Equality Duty by considering the need to, remove or reduce disadvantages suffered by people because of protected characteristics. This includes disabled staff, partcipation of disabled pupils and members of the wider school community, Our aim is to eliminate discrimination and advance quality of opportuinty of people who share protected charateristcs and those who don't.